rana beiruti
“There is no finished product, it’s all a process. As a curator, everything you produce is merely Act I of a performance.”

unfold yourself / interview with artist li binyuan
“...I consider pain the most direct form of education. Pain and suffering point to different perceptions. No matter which it is, only you know; pain will never lie, and it is the most solid sensory experience in all systems.”

maiko takeda
“Issey Miyake is one of the people who had a significant impact and was important for my education. It was a real privilege for me to witness what the creative journey of such a visionary looked like. One of the things that struck me very much was how he always stayed free and fearless in his creative processes.”

javier peña - ibanez + concéntrico
“After the pandemic, people are thinking more about the quality of life in their immediate surroundings. Issues like urban mobility, green spaces, and public spaces have become more relevant.”