in conversation: wonseok koh
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in conversation: wonseok koh

”A biennial such as Seoul Mediacity Biennale, created and run by a museum, has a very stable position, but it is also driven in connection with its institution's identity. The biennial enables SeMA to work outside its physical space by activating the whole city in a new light and extending the museum's presence via different venues.”

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in conversation: carlo ratti
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in conversation: carlo ratti

”In all of the Biennales and expositions I have curated, I have aimed to turn the occasion of the event into an opening for experimentation. We have opportunities to try new things and get feedback from a diverse audience that does not make itself available every day. It's not just about building something big or exciting enough to put the city on the map; it's about activating the people of the town itself.”

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isamu noguchi
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isamu noguchi

Matthew Kirsch, Curator and Director of Research at The Noguchi Museum takes us on the journey of Noguchi’s artistic and design development and his travels.

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