Detail of Lindenhofer's work, Drei Farben die sich niemals begegnen sollten – Vater, Mutter, HTML oder Speculating on Death – Mit der Gewerkschaft in meinem Herzen oder Steigert sich mein Selbstwert ins Unermessliche. The piece was exhibited during group show Parcours. Final Works 2022 at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Image by Sophie Pölzl, image courtesy of Juliana Lindenhofer.
All of Lindenhofer's artworks exhibited at the diploma show at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna share the same title, Drei Farben die sich niemals begegnen sollten – Vater, Mutter, HTML oder Speculating on Death – Mit der Gewerkschaft in meinem Herzen oder Steigert sich mein Selbstwert ins Unermessliche. Image by Sophie Pölzl, image courtesy of the artist.
Installation close up of Juliana Lindenhofer's work at the group exhibition Parcours. Final Works 2022. Image by Sophie Pölzl, image courtesy of Juliana Lindenhofer.
LUCIJA ŠUTEJ: How do you see the roles of specific materials in your practice, such as wax, silicone and metal?
JULIANA LINDENHOFER: The materials I use are fluid, you cannot finalize them, because they keep changing. Within that risk of not completing a form is a gap, a possibility to react to processes. I work with these materials because of their deformability, vulnerability and anthropomorphic aesthetic.
The artworks exhibited are made of the following materials - silicone, acrylic paint, paraffin wax, copper-galvanized polymer, brass casts, pigments with steel angles. Image by Sophie Pölzl, image courtesy of the artist.
Selected details of the exhibited works. Image by Sophie Pölzl, image courtesy of Juliana Lindenhofer.
LŠ: How and when did your interest in wax develop?
JL: 2019, thinking about magic with Ei Arakawa and Sarah Chow.
LŠ: What excites you about working with wax? And what are some of the challenges?
JL: That I still haven’t figured out every possible reaction of it. Both its resistance and the inherent risk of unclear outcome in working with it.
LŠ: You also started working with metal – what properties of the material are appealing to you and why?
JL: I have been working with metal since five years. In the last year I have learned to cast it. I am very attracted to its liquidity and stubbornness, softness and musicality.
Close ups of artworks and materials. Image by Sophie Pölzl, image courtesy of Juliana Lindenhofer.
Juliana Lindenhofer (born 1987) is Vienna - based artist, whose practices brings together sculpture and DJ-ing. Selected recent exhibitions include: PARCOURS. FINAL WORKS 2022 (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, 2022), Conditions and Frameworks: Infrastructure as Form and Medium (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, 2022), Boys Without Fruit Basket (WAF Galerie, 2020), Ö1 Talent Scholarship (Leopold Museum, 2020), The Magic meets the Conceptual (Festung Hohensalzburg, 2019), DJ Set – Monica Bonvicini: I cannot hide my Anger (Belvedere 21, 2019), Studio 1.11 (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, 2019), Who Am I If Not With Somebody, (Bibliothek der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, 2019).