Design. Culture. Curated for the Curious.

explore the past, shape the future, curate the present.

explore the past, shape the future, curate the present.



“The Kunsthalle (Bangkok) is not a finished model: it is a space that continues to grow, shift, and redefine itself over time. Just as each exhibition leaves a physical and conceptual trace, the institution itself remains in flux, adapting to new artistic and social conditions. Through our architectural expansion, urban interventions, and global positioning, we aim to create an art institution that is not just located in Bangkok, but that actively reshapes the way we think about art institutions as a whole, where curating is not about organizing exhibitions, but about building a new cultural architecture altogether.”


“Designers rarely work in an isolated reality, they always collaborate and negotiate. Intuition, empathy and different ways of knowing are essential.”


Mira Nakashima: “When I worked with my dad from 1970-1990, we would always have open houses on Saturday afternoons. Dad would often give clients his anti-ego lecture. He was on a mission - Western culture's emphasis on ego was contrary to the ashram's teachings.”



DALIBOR MARTINIS: measure this

DALIBOR MARTINIS: measure this

Dalibor Martinis: Measure This

Aura Space, Braga, PT

Jan 23 - FEB 19

In Measure This, Dalibor Martinis invites us to explore the intricate relationship between nature, time, and human intervention. Through his daily walks in the forests of Kamenjak, Istria, Martinis documents tree bark as living archives—witnesses to environmental shifts, climate history, and the enduring impact of human activity. Each photograph of tree bark becomes a unit of measurement, revealing growth rings that tell stories of seasons, wildfires, and ecological change.

Curated by Johannes Kreutzer and Lucija Šutej


coming soon!